At this time we thought that we’d write to all of our Monkeystack community and give you an update on what we’re doing to keep the studio running as smoothly as we can. We work at Adelaide Studios and, being a big film studio, access might be restricted in the near future for short periods, and this might happen a few times.
We are committed to helping the creative industry in South Australia thrive and to keep on employing great SA creative talent. We want you to have the confidence that your current projects will be delivered and, importantly, we’re ready and have the capacity for any new projects.
To sustain our business, and our industry, we need your business.
So, what’s the plan? Well, for us it’s business as usual in these unusual times.
For anyone that has visited our studio, you would know it’s full of animators, programmers and modellers sitting in front of lots of screens with headphones on doing what we do best – creating your wonderful animations, stories, games and experiences. As much as possible we provide a flexible working environment for our staff and contractors so every day, there are team members who are working from home or other studios.
To do this, your projects are coordinated through cloud-based production systems we have in place. We work with local clients – and it’s great to have face to face meetings – but we also work with interstate and international clients, and this all happens over video and phone conferencing with screen sharing.
So in these times of social distancing, building closures and uncertainty of how to get things done when it feels like everything’s far from normal, we’re letting you know that our systems work in one studio, or across many ‘home’ studios. We will continue to make stories, games and produce screen-based content that entertains, engages and educates.
The important thing is that we keep our wonderful, amazing, South Australian team working on your projects so they can look after their families.
Our thoughts are with all our friends, colleagues and clients. We’ll get through this with collaboration, understanding and temperance and by all of us making a commitment to continue to get the work done.
Justin, Troy and the entire Monkeystack studio.