Project Space Botany

Adelaide Botanic Gardens

  • App Development
  • Experience Design
  • Game Design
  • Interactive

‘Project Space Botany’ is an educational interactive app-based game that Monkeystack produced for the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium of South Australia as a program supported by the Department for Education.

Student groups are challenged to design a biodome that will enable life on Mars, with the key to creating the perfect biodome discovered as they follow a multi-stop physical and in-app interactive trail throughout the iconic indoor rainforest of the Bicentennial Conservatory – with a little assistance from the in-app guide Wat-L Bot.

The spatial narrative design takes ‘Futurenauts’ (aka the students) on a free-roam adventure as they explore the Conservatory’s living collection across nine Project Space Botany stations, logging their learnings onto the app that is deployed on iPads. Suited for a Year 4 to Year 10 Science Curriculum, Project Space Botany is the most fun you could have while learning.

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