Changing Climate

Australian Museum

  • 3D Animation
  • Game Design
  • Interactive & Experience Design

Monkeystack was commissioned to develop a large scale touch screen climate change interactive for the Changing Climate permanent gallery display at the Australian Museum, Sydney.


The capacitive screen is 98” and can manage 50 simultaneous touches providing an interactive play space for up to 5 visitors at one time –  which is a good thing as the interactive shows 139 animated character scenes, that trigger 135 card decks, containing 312 double-sided digital cards covering 110 climate change impact facts! We ‘twinned’ the development, with two identical screens and servers located in both Adelaide and Sydney meaning the Museum exhibition team could play as we built.

Visitors can explore the impacts of climate change in the Australian region, both now and in the future as temperatures continue to rise, in the engaging and visually delightful interactive noted as an Exhibition highlight.

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