Monkeystack produced the interactive health management app ‘Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery’ for Flinders University, as part of their Caring Future Institute work.
The app is to educate cardiac patients on self-care management, reinforcing information that all patients and their families should know before leaving hospital, as well for nurses to use as a guide to facilitate conversation.
Users can download the app to their personal handheld device and navigate through the Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery at their own pace, guided by the app’s constant companion ‘Cora’; an avatar of a nurse that we produced using facial and body motion capture with speech animated in English and Mandarin Chinese language.
Aspects throughout the app were designed to increase the level of comprehension and information processed by patients and accompany traditional methods of information. The use of visual and verbal prompts from Cora the digital avatar, animated and illustrated visuals, text accompanied by speech elements, interactive quizzes, and video clips commands users to actively engage in the content and routinely acknowledge their health progress.
Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery is available to download:
"Monkeystack always delivered outcomes that exceed — rather than just meet — expectations."
~Professor Robyn A Clark, Matthew Flinders Professor of Acute Care & Cardiovascular Research, Flinders University Caring Futures Institute