Adelaide Christmas Cracker Trail pillars were installed at each location, complete with QR codes to download the app to iOS and Android devices, unique in-app scannable codes, and ground detection and decal alignment technology to take the user through an augmented reality experience based upon the festive event planned at each location.

The user (big or small) can play with pulling digital crackers, popping baubles and enjoying the jokes, facts and games within, utilising face-tracking technology to create fun, bespoke selfies to save and share, and interacting with their surroundings via the phone screen – from decorating Adelaide’s Giant Christmas Tree, posting a Christmas letter at the Town Hall, seeing Santa back on Grote Street, or taking part in a rubber duck race that appears in the Rymill Park pond.

This film offers an unrivalled immersive experience that will leave viewers in no doubt about the devastating effect of climate change. This project fits right in the middle of our lens to produce positive social consciousness projects that entertain, engage and educate audiences. It also ties together our skills in storytelling, interactive, experiential, animation, live-action production and simulation.

Visit the Thin Ice VR website

Major Partner: Torrens University Australia
Financed and developed with the assistance of: South Australian Film Corporation, Screen Australia and Adelaide Film Festival Investment Fund
Supported by: Kathmandu, One Ocean Expeditions and Documentary Australia

We developed ElectionSim as a 3D world in the Unity engine, featuring 2D and 3D animations to create the gamified content that includes multiple environments, interactive characters, information cards and learning modules.

Designed for approximately 200 of AEC’s operational leaders, ElectionSim allows users to experience a simulation of the busy, stressful, time-pressured environment of a federal election in a self-directed learning style. Learners are taken on an authentic narrative arc as they free roam and explore the space in real-time 3D, practicing various election activities and scenarios. Learning modules are completed within the 3D world, with the learners interacting with multiple characters across all development levels, responding to queries and demands, and taking on tabletop challenges. The system was successfully deployed and used by staff throughout Australia in preparation for the 2022 federal election, establishing a new-age system with unlimited potential.

The story focuses on the interconnectedness of place and memory, and the bittersweetness of grief, recollection and healing through the passage of time in the wake of loss. Hike offers a unique moment to escape daily distractions and focus on what really matters – our relationships.

Hike – A Monkeystack Production
Financed with the assistance of:
South Australian Film Corporation and Epic Games
Monkeystack’s Hike was selected as one of the finalists across Australia and New Zealand for the second year of Epic Games’ South Australian Film Corporation-supported Unreal Engine Short Film Challenge.

Users can download the app to their personal handheld device and navigate through the Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery at their own pace, guided by the app’s constant companion ‘Cora’; an avatar of a nurse that we produced using facial and body motion capture with speech animated in English and Mandarin Chinese language. Aspects throughout the app were designed to increase the level of comprehension and information processed by patients and accompany traditional methods of information. The use of visual and verbal prompts from Cora the digital avatar, animated and illustrated visuals, text accompanied by speech elements, interactive quizzes, and video clips commands users to actively engage in the content and routinely acknowledge their health progress.

Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery is available to download:

Each scenario is presented to the user through an animated step-by-step process, followed by an interactive game element to repeat the steps in the correct order, enforcing learning through repetition.

The app is easily accessible for handheld devices, meaning the lessons can be practiced in any location at any time. Users can take the How To. Help Me. Show Me. journey together for as long as they wish, until the user is ready to continue independently as they learn through repetition, put new skills into practice at home, and accomplish personal goals to become more and more involved in everyday life.

How To. Help Me. Show Me. is available to download:

The ‘Turning Gray Street Green’ app has three AR points with physical markers located on Gray Street in Adelaide’s CBD, each marker with a QR code for users to scan using their smartphone and be taken directly to their app store to download.

Alignment guide-based AR activations are triggered when the physical markers are scanned through the app, enabling users to experience various key elements of Green Adelaide; from an artist render of what that street will look like in future, to how water sensitive urban design is managed.

We designed animated graphic elements as a stylish, on-brand solution to connect various product footage together for a full takeover across multiple large screens.

The digital trade show display content brought the stand’s physical displays and other digital project content together, attracting and inviting the expo’s audience of Australian and international defence companies, industry, government, and leaders in academia and technology to learn more.

Players can choose to play as Dots or Diamond and solve the mysterious case of the missing mummies by navigating through the multiple levels of the museum with fun challenges, puzzles and mini games along the way. The game is an entertaining and engaging experience aimed at users aged 9-11 with a story that holds players attention throughout as they unravel the mystery. Exo Pexo games are built upon the values that education and entertainment can exist in the same product and to encourage kids to love to learn, for life.

The Dots & Diamond journey doesn’t stop with The Mysterious Case of the Missing Mummies, with an animated pilot for a Dots & Dimond series available from Monkeystack.

Dots & Diamond: The Mysterious Case of the Missing Mummies is available to download:

Shown to reduce the likelihood of crashes, the computer based HPT measures a driver’s or rider’s ability to recognise potentially dangerous situations on the road and respond appropriately. This new content will modernise the HPTs currently in use, and provide jurisdictions that do not have a Hazard Perception Test the opportunity to introduce one to enhance their graduated licensing system. The test is part of the licensing process in NSW, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland.

The scripts for the videos were developed around the most problematic road and traffic hazards for novice drivers and motorcyclists. Chosen scenarios were determined through an analysis of mass crass data and in-depth crash investigation data by the Centre for Automotive Safety Research.