Monkeystack put together a team of exceptional animators to work on the project over several months to bring to life Koala Man – whose world is just like Batman, but much less rich and not as cool. We were so very proud to see the Koala Man premiere in November 2018 on ABC COMEDY as part of the Fresh Blood series. In late 2019, Koala Man was shortlisted for an AACTA Award for Best Online Video or Series.

Koala Man was developed into a series starring the likes of Hugh Jackman and Sarah Snook, released in 2023 on HULU in the US and Disney+ in Australia. Monkeystack came back on board to produce 3D animation, with Justin Wight (Monkeystack Co-Founder and Director) as one of the Producers.

The capacitive screen is 98” and can manage 50 simultaneous touches providing an interactive play space for up to 5 visitors at one time –  which is a good thing as the interactive shows 139 animated character scenes, that trigger 135 card decks, containing 312 double-sided digital cards covering 110 climate change impact facts! We ‘twinned’ the development, with two identical screens and servers located in both Adelaide and Sydney meaning the Museum exhibition team could play as we built.

Visitors can explore the impacts of climate change in the Australian region, both now and in the future as temperatures continue to rise, in the engaging and visually delightful interactive noted as an Exhibition highlight.

The Monkeystack studio produced all of the 3D models and textures for a full fleet of destroyers, aircraft carriers, cruisers and battleships as well as planes, submarines, torpedoes and depth charges. All of the models are authentically recreated from hundreds of drawing, plans and reference images.

War on the Sea is available on the Steam Store to download and play on PC and Mac.

Cohda Wireless is a world leader in the emerging field of innovative connected vehicle solutions and software, setting the benchmark for tomorrow’s transportation with proven applications. Even some of the best GPS systems face huge issues when travelling through the ‘urban canyon’ of cities. Tall buildings and tunnels disrupt signal and distort the determination of vehicle position, leading to false collision warnings issued and actual collision warnings not being detected.

The US Department of Transport estimates 94% of crashes involve human error. V2X-Locate’s breakthrough software has the potential to eliminate or mitigate up to 80% of non-impaired driving collisions using measurements between vehicles, satellites and equipped roadside infrastructure.

The Discovery Centre aims to inspire the next generation of the space workforce with stories of innovation, curiosity and technology, offering a place for the community to meet and explore the latest innovations in space technologies. This is where you can learn about Australia’s role in expanding national and international space activities.

We took inspiration from the infinite curiosity that space offers, taking you on a journey beyond Earth and back again. The charm of clean lines and the use of the Australian Space Discovery Centre’s signature bold colours goes hand in hand with the 80s video-game style, making us the real Space Invaders.


The purpose of the video was to get customers excited. The brief was simple… We start out in blackness. It looks like we’re in space with a galaxy of golden stars of varying sizes. But we’re actually underground.

With this brief and with audience captivation in mind, Monkeystack drew inspiration from games console launch teasers to create an electrifying, cinematic 20 second trailer.

Our aim was to produce an animation that set a new standard in photo-realistic industrial visualisations.

This unit is a game changer, setting new standards in road surfacing safety, innovation and environmental sustainability. It’s the world’s first high production synchronised spraying and aggregate spreader and it’s in Australia.


On the surface, Double Happy is a manic tale of good vs. evil, but the stories are underpinned by philosophical and spiritual themes, also exploring quantum mechanics and super science. The audience really can decide how deep they want the rabbit hole to go!

Double Happy Vs. the Infinite Sadness was a co-sponsor of the Indie Games Room at AVCon 2013 and 2014 alongside Uni SA, where it has become one of the most memorable properties at the annual event.

You can visit the Double Happy world at

The result is an application which uses an iPhone or iPad to reveal sound and vision not present in real life.

A unique artwork was created for each composition that acts as an AR marker, and even when the marker is not in sight the audio continues to play providing the user with a portable way to remain engaged with the application.