Magic & Mayhem is an adventure quest game with a narrative focused on consent in relationships, demonstrated as the user chooses characters to take on their quest, with some displaying more enthusiastic responses than others, what outfit they should wear and to assign an item per character; from potions the character can use when needed to magical beans forced upon the character.

Players are faced with multiple choice options along their quest that define an end summary covering topics such as alcohol and drugs, enthusiastic consent and body language. The aim of Rize Above’s work is to assist young people to develop skills to have healthier more equal relationships, and to support caregivers and professionals to become allies with these goals.

You can play Magic & Mayhem in Rize Above’s Game Zone.

The animated narrative took audiences on a journey of service and sacrifice in war, conflict and peace-keeping missions of South Australians from the Boer War to today.

We produced the chronological narrative from 800 images of South Australians, past and present, who have contributed to Australia’s military commitments through extraordinary service and sacrifice, historical press clippings, letters and other service-related imagery from Virtual War Memorial Australia’s collection.

We are proud to have helped this magnificent project come to life with support from the SA Government with Project Partners Virtual War Memorial Australia, KWPX, Coopers and AJS Lighting Sound Events. Image courtesy of Pete Hall.

We will remember them.


We produced a series of animations and a range of online content to be used as key resources within an educational program structured of eight weekly modules. Each module provides tools and resources to help with resilience, anti-bullying and opening up conversation on emotions, designed to be delivered by teachers or on a student self-help basis, highlighting the message “Mental illness affects everyone… including children”.

Our design and creation of the cute ‘Peeps and Feels’ represent every child viewer – not defined by gender, race, shape or features, but by emotional characteristics. This approach to character design makes for an inclusive experience, no matter what classroom viewers are in. Concepts, characters and storylines were thought out strategically as we created a colourful and engaging collection of animated visual resources, each covering a topic highlighted within modules for children to connect with and learn from.


Riverland on the Verge leads the way as the future of tourism, using VR technology to transport travellers into the heart of South Australia’s iconic Riverlands, inspiring the viewer to make their virtual experience a reality.

Users experienced Riverland on the Verge by simply downloading the free app and ordering a headset for free from the official Riverland on the Verge site. The experience was set up in South Australian locations with Oculus VR headsets including the Riverland Wine Centre and National Wine Centre of Australia, and seen on South Aussie with Cosi.

Our brief was to inform, excite and encourage overseas businesses to level-up and unlock the infinite opportunities available in the Australian digital games industry, find their team and access a vast range of benefits – all while championing the success of home grown games studios.

Working with our Player 2, the amazing team at IGEA (Interactive Games & Entertainment Association), we received over 400 submissions from studios across seven states & territories to represent Australia in the showcase. Our capability and understanding of games design and being active members of the games industry was just the XP needed. Achievement Unlocked: Australia.

Cohda Wireless is a world leader in the emerging field of innovative connected vehicle solutions and software, setting the benchmark for tomorrow’s transportation with proven applications. Even some of the best GPS systems face huge issues when travelling through the ‘urban canyon’ of cities. Tall buildings and tunnels disrupt signal and distort the determination of vehicle position, leading to false collision warnings issued and actual collision warnings not being detected.

The US Department of Transport estimates 94% of crashes involve human error. V2X-Locate’s breakthrough software has the potential to eliminate or mitigate up to 80% of non-impaired driving collisions using measurements between vehicles, satellites and equipped roadside infrastructure.

NSC support their candidates with advice, training and upskilling, linking job seekers directly to identified openings throughout the supply chain – where opportunities on water and home soil being as open and vast as the ocean itself.

Each of the 30-second videos feature a specific call to action in simple yet effective naval telegraph communication style text alongside nautical inspired graphics and radar designs – ensuring focus is captured, maintained and viewer’s minds are opened to a career in one of the most technologically advanced industries in the world alongside the space industry. The first of the videos received over 68k views, so safe to say all hands are on deck!

The Discovery Centre aims to inspire the next generation of the space workforce with stories of innovation, curiosity and technology, offering a place for the community to meet and explore the latest innovations in space technologies. This is where you can learn about Australia’s role in expanding national and international space activities.

We took inspiration from the infinite curiosity that space offers, taking you on a journey beyond Earth and back again. The charm of clean lines and the use of the Australian Space Discovery Centre’s signature bold colours goes hand in hand with the 80s video-game style, making us the real Space Invaders.


Initially conceived as a tool to support St Hallett representatives, the iconic South Australian winery is represented through raw earthy tones and flowing movement; an artistic direction developed alongside agency Fuller Brand Communications, capturing the essence of the brand presented in a beautifully engaging timeline.

The brief from the agency was pretty simple. We’re going to ask a bunch of kids what they want to be when they grow up. We’d like you to capture them telling us this story in front of a green screen then bring their imagination to life using 2D animation for a TV campaign. They also wanted us to produce a range of images that could be used in Print, Digital and Out Of Home to compliment the campaign over the active period of the back to school sales.

Monkeystack planned and carried out the video shoot, and while we had the green screen set up in the enormous sound stage at the South Australian Film Corporation Adelaide Studios (where we are located), we followed up with a stills photo shoot for each child individually in the same day. Post production saw us taking the green screen footage and bringing their imagination to life with our team of illustrators and animators.